All users of the NYBG Library and campus have access to the Library's electronic resources, provided they are connecting to the Internet using the Garden's internet or wif. To connect with the NYBG wifi select the "NYBGFree" network, open your browser, and accept the terms and condition.
The main thing to keep in mind is that for best results, access electronic databases through the Library's website, and not through Google.
Please email the Library if you experience any trouble accessing our online resources.
1. Navigate to the Library's homepage. The URL is:
2. Navigate to a database you would like to search by clicking databases below the catalog search bar. JSTOR is a great resource because you can find a lot of full text articles. The URL for access is as follows:
3. Search JSTOR, download articles, and enjoy!
4. Other journals can be accessed through the A-Z List of Databases, or by searching the Library's catalog.
5. Once again, the main thing to keep in mind is that for best results, access electronic databases through the Library's website, and not through Google.
Plant Information
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 10am - 4pm
Wednesday: 10am - 4pm
Thursday: 10am - 4pm
Friday: 10am - 4pm
Sat & Sun: Closed