To renew books, please use the following guide. Books from the Members' Collection have a loan period of three weeks, and may be renewed one time. You may request an additional renewal by contacting the Library via phone or email, but please keep in mind that our collections are here for all to use, and your prompt return of materials is appreciated by others who would also like to access these items.
If there is an error message when you attempt to renew, please call or email the Library to renew your items.
1. Navigate to the Library's homepage. The URL is:
2. Navigate to the full online catalog. This can be done by clicking "Advanced Search" next to the search box. The URL is:
3. Log into your Library Account by navigating to the top right corner of the screen and clicking "Login to your account" or "Your Library Account". The URL is
4. To login, complete the field Bar Code, type in the bar code number from your NYBG ID card without any spaces. This barcode should be on the back of the NYBG ID, (Staff, Volunteer, Member, etc.), that you presented to the Library staff when applying for Library access. However, if you do not have your barcode, please email the Library and the Librarian will send your barcode to you. You will also need your barcode to access our online databases, so do not hesitate to ask if you require this information.
5. Click Submit.
6. After logging in, a screen will appear displaying all of the items checked out to your account, along with the dates the items are due. To renew items, place a checkmark next to the items you would like to renew, and click Renew Selected. You are also able to select Renew All to renew all items currently checked out.
7. If there is an error message when you attempt to renew, please call or email the Library to renew your items.
Plant Information
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 10am - 4pm
Wednesday: 10am - 4pm
Thursday: 10am - 4pm
Friday: 10am - 4pm
Sat & Sun: Closed