Juniperus; photo courtesy of Flickr cc/ Julie A Brown
Use garden notes, photos and sketches to assess areas that need plants
Determine types and quantities of plants to order
Begin to order plants from seed and nursery catalogues
Chores and Maintenance:
After ground freezes, mulch perennials and bulb planting beds. The mulch will prevent heaving during the alternating freeze/ thaw cycle
Tie and support evergreen shrubs to avoid breakage from snow
Continue to provide burlap windbreaks for boxwood and broad-leaved evergreens until the ground freezes
Complete protection of trees from mouse damage with wire, mesh, trunk guards
Continue protection of shrubs from deer with burlap or netting
Avoid the use of salt to melt snow as it is toxic to most plants; use sawdust, sand or cat litter
Keep bird feeders filled throughout the winter
After the ground freezes, mulch bulb planting beds; photo by Kay Wheeler
Pruning/ Fertilizing:
Prune evergreen branches to use in holiday decorating
Continue to rejuvenate overgrown shrubs as weather permits, until new growth begins in spring
Give houseplants as much light as possible; photo courtesy of Flickr cc/ Phillip Stewart
Keep newly purchased Christmas trees in a bucket of water in a cool place
Set up Christmas tree in a reservoir stand. Cut on a slant about 1" above existing cut for optimum water absorption
Be sure to keep reservoir filled and place Christmas tree in coolest part of the room
Sterilize the tree stand with a solution of boiling water, vinegar and household bleach after use
When buying houseplants in winter, be sure to wrap them up well for the trip home; this prevents the foliage from freezing and protects tropicals from drafts
Give houseplants as much light as possible as days grow shorter
Hold off on fertilizing indoor plants until spring
Provide houseplants with increased humidity; mist often or place the houseplant over a tray of moist pebbles
Continue to plant prepared bulbs for indoor forcing
As houseplants grow more slowly in winter, increase the time between waterings but do not cut back on the amount of water
On frigid nights, protect indoor plants from freezing; move them away from the glass or cover glass with thick newspaper or cardboard
Clean leaves of large and smooth-leaved houseplants like dracaena, philodendron, ficus etc.
Clean leaves of philodendrons; photo courtesy of Flickr cc/ North Carolina Cooperative Extension
*These gardening tips are applicable for an average year in the southeastern New York region: USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 7a and 7b, which include New York City, Northern New Jersey, most of Rockland and Westchester Counties, Southern Connecticut, and parts of Long Island. Plant hardiness zones refer to geographic areas where the growing season of plants is determined by the time of killing frosts in the spring and fall. Even within zones, climatic factors such as altitude, proximity to water, wind exposure, winter sun exposure and snow cover contribute to the existence of different "microclimates" and can influence plant adaptability.