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CBHL/EBHL/Linnaeus Link 2018 Meeting: 50th Annual CBHL Business Meeting


50th Annual Council on Botanical and Horticultural Libraries Meeting

Agenda (Meeting 1 of 2)

June 20 2018
The New York Botanical Garden

Welcome and Official Commencement
   — Board introduction (1 minute)
   — Quorum (1 minute)
   — Appoint a Parliamentarian (1 minute)
   — First Time Attendees Announcement (5 minutes)
   — Approval of Minutes from the 49th Annual Meeting, Anderson Horticultural Library, Chanhuassen, MN June 6-10, 2017, published in Newsletter Number 147, November 2017, p. 20-30. (5 minutes)
   — Call for additions to the Agenda (5 minutes)
Officer Reports
   — Secretary: Esther Jackson (10 minutes)
   — Nominating Committee report (announced with Secretary's report)
   — Treasurer: Bill Musser (10 minutes)
   — Financial Advisory Committee report (announced with Treasurers report)
Standing Committee Award reports
   — Charles Long Award Committee: Announcement of when award will be given later during the meeting (Stacy Stoldt; 1 minute)
   — Annual Literature Award Committee: Announcement of when award will be given later during the meeting (Brian Thompson; 1 minute)
   — Founders Fund Travel Fellowship Award Committee: Announcement of when award will be given later during the meeting (Donna Herendeen; 1 minute)
Standing Committee Reports (Full report submitted in writing to Secretary by 10pm 6/19/2018; comment period on reports in Day 3 Business Meeting.)
   — Electronic Communications Committee: Leora Siegel WRITTEN REPORT (0 minutes)
   — Membership Committee; Elizabeth Fite WRITTEN REPORT (0 minutes)
   — Preservation and Access; Chuck Tanicn WRITTEN REPORT (0 minutes)
   — Public Relations; Rita Hassert WRITTEN REPORT (0 minutes)
   — Publications Committee WRITTEN REPORT (0 minutes)
   — Steering Committee; Susan Eubank WRITTEN REPORT (0 minutes)
Ad Hoc Committee Reports
   — Future Conferences LIVE REPORT including report on 2020, 2021, and 2022 meetings (5 minutes)

Agenda (Meeting 2 of 2)

June 22 2018
The New York Botanical Garden

Committee Report Discussion
   — Member comment period on distributed written Committee reports. (15 minutes)
Future Annual Meetings
   — 2019 Desert Botanical Garden Phoenix Arizona: Beth Brand LIVE REPORT (15 minutes)
   — 2020, 2021, 2022 WRITTEN REPORT Included with Future Conferences report (0 minute)
Unfinished Business
   — Online Voting updated (5 minutes)
   — Membership Database update (5 minutes)
New Business
   — New agenda items (15 minutes)
   — CBHL General Announcements from Membership (Member news is during lunch break in meeting schedule; 0 minutes)
Closing of Annual Meeting
   — Presentation to Annual Meeting Hosts (5 minutes)
   — Recognition of Outgoing/Incoming Officers (5 minutes)
   — Passing of the Gavel (1 minute)
   — Vote for Adjournment (1 minute)